Advice on How to Write an Essay on a Movie

From the time we hit grade school until after college, students are asked to write a variety of essays and book reports. Essays in grad school are to help prepare a student for college. In college, essays become a regular routine. These essays can be a description of a picture, a summary of a book, or even a summary on a movie. Here, we are offering advice on writing an essay on a movie.

Tips for writing an essay on a movie

The first thing you want to do is know which movie you have to write an essay on. Ask yourself, is it a specific movie or one of your choice? Here are some tips to writing an essay on a movie

  • Know what movie you are writing about
  • Avoid distractions
  • Watch the movie
  • Take notes
  • Find a theme
  • Notate the resource information from the movie

All these are steps to help write your movie essay with ease. Think about the guidelines that must be followed in the essay. Is this a movie you can choose on your own or is the movie one assigned to you specifically? Either way, the steps provided will help you create a great movie essay.

Putting those tips into action

By now, you should know what movie you are writing an essay on. Make sure to avoid all distractions by turning off your cell phone, asking friends to leave so you can study your movie, and find a comfortable and quiet place to concentrate. You may need to watch the movie a few times to get an adequate amount of information. Take notes on the movie while watching the movie. While you are taking notes look for a theme, one that will help you write your essay. Once you have watched the movie a few times and taken notes, you have you information to write your essay. Make sure you properly cite your source(s).

A movie essay is not like a book report or book summarization. This requires you to schedule a time to watch an assigned movie a couple of times. Note the actors, the theme and the climax of the story, or anything interesting that stands out. The first time you watch the movie, I recommend sitting and enjoying it. Then when you watch the movie again, you can take notes since you have an idea of what the movie is already about.

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